10 free and full scholarships for tunisian students in Canada in 2024

You will find in this post the 10 free, best and full scholarships for tunisian students in Canada in 2024.

Tunisian and African students can study in Canada for free with financial assistance.

Indeed, the Tunisians and Africans students can apply for and obtain a scholarship to do higher studies abroad in Canada.

So, The Tunisians and Africans students can study in Canada without paying tuition fees or / and registration fees.

In general, there are three types of scholarships in Canada :

For each canadian scholarship, 4 information will be presented.

  • The name of the scholarship in Canada.
  • The level of study.
  • And the academic year.
  • Links to have more information and send your request.

Besides the above, you can see other scholarships for tunisian students.

Let’s Go !

10 free and full scholarships for tunisian students in Canada in 2024 !

Canadian universities annually give hundreds of scholarships for African students and Tunisian students.

However, we have selected only 10 Canadian scholarships for you.

In each scholarship in Canada you will find all the necessary information on the requirements and conditions of participation and the links to submit your scholarship application.

10 free and full scholarships for tunisian students in Canada in 2024  are :

  1. Scholarships of the University of Montreal.
  2. The Desjardins Scholarships.
  3. International Major Entrance Scholarships.
  4. Outstanding International Student Award scholarships.
  5. John Peters Humphrey Scholarships.
  6. Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships.
  7. University Of Manitoba Undergraduate Student Bursary.
  8. 78 Scholarships McCall MacBain at McGill University.
  9. CHARLES BRINDAMOUR Scholarships.
  10. PIERRE-MARCHAND Scholarships.

We advise you to send several requests in order to increase your chances of obtaining a scholarship to study in Canada.

We advise you to write a good CV and an excellent cover letter to increase your chances of getting a scholarship in Canada.

On the other hand, you can see other scholarships for tunisian students.


Now you are able to find the best and fully funded scholarships for Tunisian students in Canada at top universities in the world.

Good Luck.

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